If Douglas came down hard enough on him, Dale would rebel. 如果道格拉斯对戴尔太过严厉,他就会反抗。
In doing so they transform inactive money capital into active, that is, into capital yielding a profit. 在此过程中,银行将闲置的钱转化为通顺的钱,也就是说,转化为发生利润的成本。
Dealers note that open interest ( active positions) has risen strongly as capital flows into the market in anticipation of further price gains. 交易商们注意到,随着资本在价格进一步上涨的预期下涌入市场,未平仓头寸(主动头寸)明显上升。
We are an active player in the venture capital markets of the Pacific Northwest. 美国咖尔森集团积极活跃在太平洋西北部的风险资本市场。
Institutional investors is a active group in modem capital market. 机构投资者是当今资本市场一个比较活跃的市场主体。
The SD Simulation on Investing Single Stock Risks of Chinese Investor; Institutional investors is a active group in modem capital market. 中国股票投资者个股投资风险SD模拟机构投资者是当今资本市场一个比较活跃的市场主体。
Institutional investors is a active group in modem capital market. a dynamic market; a dynamic speaker; the dynamic president of the firm. 活跃的市场;精力充沛的发言人;这家公司精力充沛的总裁。
But it added that its sample might miss a substantial volume of unrated bank loans in countries such as Malaysia and India where there are active markets but capital controls. 但它补充称,其样本可能遗漏了马来西亚和印度等国家数量很大的未评级银行贷款,这些国家市场活跃,但存在着资本管制。
Active introduction of foreign capital is one of the basic policies of our reformation and openness. 积极引进外商直接投资是我国对外开放的基本国策。
To Take an Active Action to Promote Capital Running 积极推进资本经营
This active and value-added capital can create immense value with effective management and exploitation. 这一能够增值的活性资本,通过有效的管理和开发,可以创造无限量的价值。
The active amalgamation of foreign capital has its negative effects as well as its positive effects. 活跃的外资并购对我国的经济发展固然有积极作用,但也存在某些负面影响。
No active capital market and the single channel of financing and repayment are the main reasons for the high debt risk and the trend for distribution of high dividends. 资本市场的不活跃、融资、还款渠道的单一是引起债务风险、高额分红倾向的主要原因。
The institutional investors are playing an active role in capital supply for newly-emerged enterprises, market stability, financial and system innovation, dealing system modernization and social security system reform, etc. 机构投资者在新兴企业资本供给、市场稳定、金融和制度创新、交易系统现代化、社会保障系统改革等方面有着积极的作用。
That is to say, the property right reform of the SOE, only under the participation of active capital market, may just succeed. 也就是说,国有企业的产权改革,只有在活跃的资本市场中进行,才有可能成功。
From 20C 80s, people have known that man is the most active and most floating capital, and is the most inventive resource. 20世纪80年代以来,人们开始认识到,人是生产力中最活跃最容易流动的资本,是最有创造力的资源。
With the country adjusting its economic structure and promoting its industrial structure, the birth of investment banking, the most active and advanced agency in the capital market, is a necessary product. 目前,我国面临经济结构调整和产业结构升级,这必然会加速催生资本市场中最活跃的高级中介机构&投资银行的产生。
However, in recent years, some institutional investors in America, led by the pension fund, have shifted from passive capital to active capital by adopting a kind of capital strategy orientating corporate governance. 但是近年来美国以养老金为首的一些机构投资者由消极投资转变为积极投资,开始执行一种公司治理导向的投资策略;
Venture capital and capital market of the risk have relation of mutual promotion, a developed and active risk capital market can stimulate the expansion of the risk greatly. 风险资本与风险资本市场存在着相互促进的关系。一个发达活跃的风险资本市场能够极大地刺激风险的扩张。
Private equity fund is a kind of investment tool which is very active in the capital market now. It also developed rapidly in China in the past a few years. 私募股权投资基金是现今资本市场上非常活跃的投资手段,近年来在中国也得到了迅猛的发展。
With the continuous development of economic, the stock market has become the most active and fastest growing one of capital markets in China, so the study of stock market becomes a focus by many experts and scholars. 随着经济的不断发展,股票市场已成为我国资本市场中最活跃、发展最快的市场,因此它也成为众多专家学者研究的焦点。
Marx affirmed active role of capital in history, then relentlessly criticized it. 马克思在肯定了资本积极历史作用的基础上,对资本进行了无情的批判,由此形成了资本批判理论。
International finance plays an active role in alleviating capital shortage of the enterprises, improving their administration level and enhancing their international competitiveness. 国际融资在缓解企业资金短缺、提高企业管理水平和提高企业国际竞争力等方面具有积极作用。
Venture capitalist is the most important and active core in venture capital, playing various roles in two layers of principal-agent. 风险投资家是风险投资中最重要、最活跃的核心,在双重委托代理中扮演了不同的角色。
On one hand, it relates to the work of implementation of social security, on the other hand also play an active role in the interaction with capital markets. 它一方面关系着我国社会保障工作的顺利实施,另一方面也在和资本市场的互动中发挥着积极主动的作用。
Nowadays, in the society with developed IT industry, the unceasingly improvement of the internal controls system has an active significance to the regeneration of capital, preventing fraudulent practices and cutting down loss. 在信息产业已经发达的当今社会,不断完善企业内部控制制度,对于防范舞弊,减少损失,提高资本的再生能力具有积极的意义。
The peasants, NGOs and the government all should take active measures to reconstruct social capital. 农民、非政府组织和政府都应该积极行动起来,在重构现代社会资本中发挥自己的作用。
The Emotion Labor which takes emotion moderation as essence can moderate the extent of job burnout when it have a active personal internal resource, psychological capital matching. 这种以情绪调节为核心的情绪劳动,必须要有一种动态积极的个体内部资源,即心理资本相匹配,才能对工作倦怠的程度进行调节。
Along With the development of institutional investors, institutional investors have become an active capital market; they begin to seek long-term profit by the way of participating in corporate governance, improving corporate performance and enhancing on the core competitiveness of listed companies. 随着机构投资者的发展,机构投资者已经成为当今资本市场上的一个活跃的主体,开始通过参与上市公司治理、改善公司业绩和增强上市公司核心竞争力来获取长期收益。